PSU Project #6 – Operational Amplifiers

September 30th 2015
In this video I will briefly be discussing the Operational Amplifier and it’s functions.
I will be covering the basic configurations that may be used in out power supply design.
This is by no means an exhaustive lesson on OPAMP’s, that would take many hours of video footage and knowledge that I do not possess at this point in time, but it should be sufficient enough to allow a beginner to start using them in circuits.

PSU Project #6 – Operational Amplifiers

Open loop:
  Vout = ((IN+)-(IN-))*Aol
  Aol is the gain of the OPAMP
Negative feedback:
  Vout = -(Rf/Ri)*Vin
Positive feedback
Vout = (1+(Rf/Ri))*Vin
Multi-Channel / Summing Amplifier
Vout = (-(Rf/Ri1)*Vin1) + (-(Rf/Ri2)*Vin2)
          further stages can be added if needed, just add them at the end of the formula.
Unity Gain / Buffer
Vout = Vin
Differential Amplifier
Vout = (Vin2-Vin1)*(Ra/Rb)

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